--- title: "Known risks of crew" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: number_sections: true toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Known risks of crew} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- The `crew` package has unavoidable risks, and the user is responsible for safety, security, and computational resources. This vignette describes known risks and safeguards, but is by no means exhaustive. Please read the [software license](https://wlandau.github.io/crew/LICENSE.html). # Resources ## Processes The `crew` package launches external R processes: 1. Worker processes to run tasks, which may include expensive jobs on cloud services like AWS Batch or traditional clusters like SLURM. 2. The [`mirai`](https://github.com/shikokuchuo/mirai) dispatcher, an R process which send tasks to workers and retrieves results back. If `x` is a `crew` controller, a `ps::ps_handle()` process handle of the dispatcher is retained in `x$client$dispatcher`. In the event of a poorly-timed crash or network error, these processes may not terminate properly. If that happens, they will continue to run, which may strain traditional clusters or incur heavy expenses on the cloud. Please monitor the platforms you use and manually terminate defunct hanging processes as needed. To list and terminate local processes, please use `crew_monitor_local()` as explained in the introduction vignette. To manage and monitor non-local high-performance computing workers such as those on SLURM and AWS Batch, please familiarize yourself with the given computing platform, and consider using the monitor objects in the relevant third-party plugin packages such as [`crew.cluster`](https://wlandau.github.io/crew.cluster/) or [`crew.aws.batch`](https://wlandau.github.io/crew.aws.batch/). Example: . ## Crashes The local process or [`mirai`](https://github.com/shikokuchuo/mirai) dispatcher process could crash. A common cause of crashes is running out of computer memory. The "Resources" section of the [introduction](https://wlandau.github.io/crew/articles/introduction.html) explains how to monitor memory usage. If you are running `crew` in a [`targets`](https://docs.ropensci.org/targets/) pipeline (as explained [here in the `targets` user manual](https://books.ropensci.org/targets/crew.html)), consider setting `storage = "worker"` and `retrieval = "worker` in `tar_option_set()` to minimize memory consumption of the local processes (see also the [performance chapter](https://books.ropensci.org/targets/performance.html)). In addition, `crew` worker processes may crash silently at runtime, or they may fail to launch or connect at all. The reasons may be platform-specific, but here are some common possibilities: * Memory: if a worker exhausts the available memory limits, it will crash, and there is no way to relay an informative error message. Please read to learn about proactive resource logging, which can generate data to help troubleshoot in the event of a crash. If you need more memory, [`crew.aws.batch`](https://wlandau.github.io/crew.aws.batch/) and [`crew.cluster`](https://wlandau.github.io/crew.cluster/) expose special platform-specific parameters in the controllers to do this. * Connections: each worker must run on the same local network as the controlling R process, and it must be able to dial into that controlling process over TCP. Firewalls and proxies may interfere, and these safeguards exist for good reason, so please ensure any custom networking you do is safe and secure. For example, it is most likely not secure for these connections to pass through the public internet. For AWS Batch, we recommend you run the controlling R process and all the workers in an isolated security group that points to itself (details: ). You may have to discuss with your system administrator. * Tasks: R code may crash or segfault the worker and cause it to abruptly exit. If that happens, see if you can isolate the problem locally, then debug the code that caused the crash. ## Ports In addition, `crew` occupies one TCP port per controller. TCP ports range from 0 to 65535, and only around 16000 of these ports are considered ephemeral or dynamic, so please be careful not to run too many controllers simultaneously on shared machines, especially in [controller group](https://wlandau.github.io/crew/articles/groups.html). The `terminate()` frees these ports again for other processes to use. # Security By default, `crew` uses unencrypted TCP connections for transactions among workers. In a compromised network, an attacker can read the data in transit, and even gain direct access to the client or host. ## Perimeters It is best to avoid persistent direct connections between your local computer and the public internet. The `host` argument of the controller should not be a public IP address. Instead, please try to operate entirely within a perimeter such as a firewall, a virtual private network (VPN), or an Amazon Web Services (AWS) security group. In the case of AWS, your security group can open ports to itself. That way, the `crew` workers on e.g. AWS Batch jobs can connect to a `crew` client running in the same security group on an AWS Batch job or EC2 instance. ## Encryption In the age of Zero Trust, perimeters alone are seldom sufficient. Transport layer security (TLS) encrypts data to protect it from hackers while it travels over a network. TLS is the state of the art of encryption for network communications, and it is responsible for security in popular protocols such as HTTPS and SSH. TLS is based on public key cryptography, which requires two files: 1. A private key file which lives in a protected location on the host machine. 2. A public key file which is sent to the remote machine on the other side of the connection. To use TLS in `crew` with automatic configuration, simply set `tls = crew_tls(mode = "automatic")` in the controller, e.g. `crew_controller_local()`.^[[Launcher plugins](https://wlandau.github.io/crew/articles/plugins.html) should expose the `tls` argument of `crew_client()`.] [`mirai`](https://github.com/shikokuchuo/mirai) generates a one-time key pair and encrypts data for the current `crew` client. The key pair expires when the client terminates, which reduces the risk of a breach. In addition, the public key is a self-signed certificate, which somewhat protects against tampering on its way from the client to the server. ## Certificate authorities The signature in a self-signed certificate helps the server verify that the public key has a valid private key somewhere. However, in a "man-in-the-middle" (MITM) attack, that private key could belong to a malicious hacker instead of the true client. A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted third party that vouches for the authenticity of a certificate. A CA-backed certificate is more secure than a self-signed one. To supply a CA-backed certificate to `crew`: 1. Create a PEM-formatted private key file and matching PEM-formatted certificate file. Details are in Chapter 1.2: Key and Certificate Management. When you are done with this step, you should at least have have a private key file, a matching signed certificate, and the root certificate of the CA. If your private key is encrypted, you will also have a password. 2. When you create a `crew` controller, create a TLS configuration object with `crew_tls()` using the following arguments: * `mode`: `"custom"`. * `key`: file path the private key. * `pass`: Your private key password if the private key is encrypted. Do not hard-code this value into any R code files. Instead, use a package like `keyring` to mask your password. * `certificates`: Character vector of file paths to certificates. One option is to supply only your own certificate. However, for extra security, you may wish to supply the entire certificate chain. In that case, set `certificates` to the character vector of the certificate file paths in the order they appear in the chain. Begin with your own certificate, then list the certificate that signed it, then the certificate that signed that one, and so on. The final certificate should be the root certificate of the CA. 3. As before, supply this `crew_tls()` object to the `tls` argument of functions like `crew_controller_local()` (and for plugin developers, `crew_client()`). [`mirai`](https://github.com/shikokuchuo/mirai), [`nanonext`](https://github.com/shikokuchuo/nanonext), and [NNG](https://nng.nanomsg.org) manage encryption behind the scenes. For more details about configuring TLS, please read .